
AOL Build Speaker Series

AOL BUILD Speaker Series: "Punchdrunk" AOL BUILD Speaker Series: "Punchdrunk" AOL BUILD Speaker Series: "Punchdrunk" AOL BUILD Speaker Series: "The Look Of Silence"Some great people today spoke at the AOL Build studio near Astor Place including Omar Sy and Joshua Oppenheimer. Ben Hider - Event and Portrait Photographer based in New York City and Westchester

Frida Kahlo Look Alikes at the New York Botanical Gardens

Ben-Hider-BJH_1374 Keith Saari and Lucrecia Novoa dress as Frida Kahlo for the first LGBT Frida Look Alike competition at the New York Botanical Gardens in The Bronx.

Ben Hider - Event and Portrait Photographer based in New York City and Westchester

Proscenium Portraits and Office Interiors

Portrait_photography_042Ben-Hider-BEN_0231  Portrait_photography_043 Portrait_photography_044It was unfortunate that the weather ended the day so abruptly, but that's the risk of portraits on the roof mid summer. See more about Proscenium here - I thought I'd wear the loudest shirt possible. Portrait_Photography_New_York_City

Ben Hider - Event and Portrait Photographer based in New York City and Westchester


FX Premiere for "Married" and "Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll"

FX_Event_photography_036 FX_Event_photography_037 FX_Event_photography_038 FX_Event_photography_039 FX_Event_photography_040

Ruthless Opening Night at St. Luke's Theater

Celebrity_Event_photography_041 Actress Tori Murray, Kim Maresca, Peter Land and Rita McKenzie attend the 'Ruthless! The Musical' opening night after party at Hunt & Fish Club on July 13, 2015 in New York City.

Beyond Ground Zero Exhibit at 9/11 Memorial by Jonathan Hyman

NY_Event_photography_024 NY_Event_photography_025 NY_Event_photography_026 NY_Event_photography_027 The Landscapes of 9/11 A Photographer's Journey - Photographs by Jonathan Hyman

Frida Kahlo Look-Alike Competition at the New York Botanical Gardens

Ben-Hider-BJH_9388b Ben Hider - Event and Portrait Photographer based in New York City and Westchester

Stone Barns Experience

Stone-Barns_Event_photography_032 Stone-Barns_Event_photography_033 Stone-Barns_Event_photography_034 Stone-Barns_Event_photography_035 Slower, Smaller, Stronger: Exploring Countertrends in the Food MovementA Stone Barns Experience: On July 11, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture became a laboratory for delving deeply into the relationship among speed, scale and resiliency in modern agriculture.

New York Botanical Garden Portraits

NY_Portrait_Photographer_1 NY_Portrait_Photographer_2 NY_Portrait_photographer_022 NY_Portrait_photographer_023I was fortunate enough to be recommended by the New York Botanical Gardens to a local New York City filmmaker for a portrait project. Today was the first day of shooting and it was fascinating to meet all of the scientists who work in the field and onsite at the gardens. Ben Hider - Event and Portrait Photographer based in New York City and Westchester