
Horse and Carriage @ Central Park

IMG_0250 IMG_0309 IMG_0342 Ben Hider - Event Photographer based in New York City and Westchester

AP pushes out handouts

Always nice when AP picks up and feeds the wire my handouts Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 1.13.32 PM

Ben Hider - Event Photographer based in New York City and Westchester

General Knot & Co @ Pop Up Flea

B2013811_1Caught my favorite tie and belt people (General Knot & Co) hard at work at the Pop up Flea Ben Hider - Event Photographer based in New York City and Westchester

Bluestone Lane Competition

20131127-191753.jpg A poorly photoshopped image of many myselves drinking coffee from Bluestone Lane on the trading floor. An attempt to win 10 free coffees

Ben Hider - Event Photographer based in New York City and Westchester

Banorte Investor Relation Meeting @ BNY Mellon

BH1_7784 BH1_8829 Ben Hider - Event Photographer based in New York City and Westchester