City Harvest Skip Lunch Fight Hunger
You spend $15 on lunch because you live in New York City. You feed 60 kids with $15 because you’re a New Yorker. And with nearly 420,000 in our city facing hunger, you know you’re going to do something about it.
Event and Food Photographer Ben Hider
City Harvest Sponsorship Branding
Skip Lunch Fight Hunger with City Harvest at Citibank
Skip Lunch Fight Hunger with City Harvest at Citibank
May 9 – May 13, 2016
For one week in May thousands of New Yorkers will come together to
fight childhood hunger. Join us — participate in City Harvest’s annual
Skip Lunch Fight Hunger campaign!
Nearly 1 in 4 children in New York City don’t always know where their next meal will come from. And, when classrooms empty for the summer, access to free school meals may become limited, further straining families that are already struggling to put food on the table.
Be part of the solution — start a Skip Lunch Fight Hunger fundraising team at your office, or with friends. The cost of one $15 lunch can help feed 57 kids.
Last year, Skip Lunch Fight Hunger raised $1 million, enough to help feed thousands of children and their families all summer long! Help reach even more hungry New Yorkers this year.
Ben Hider - Event, Food and Portrait Photographer based in New York City and Westchester
Assisting at a Citibank event
in Photo
A group of young professionals celebrate being the "Analyst Class of 2015" at Citibank. We had a production team making photo prints live from the step and repeat.
Ben Hider - Event Photographer based in New York City and Westchester