Photographing a celebrity chef in Times Square was an unforgettable experience! The energy of the city combined with the excitement of working with someone so well-known in the culinary world created the perfect backdrop for a dynamic shoot. Capturing the chef in the midst of such a vibrant, bustling location brought a unique contrast between the calm focus of their craft and the liveliness of New York City. From the lights of Times Square to the chef’s passion for food, it was an amazing opportunity to capture some truly memorable shots. If you’re looking for someone to photograph culinary events or chefs in action, I’d love to help bring those moments to life!
New York Food Photographer
Spare Food Co at The Parlor
The guys at Spare Food were kind enough to ask me to document their lunch at The Parlor. It was Chef Adam that recommended this incredible Westcheser Pizza joint back when I used to work with Stone Barns.
If you want to try some Spare Food Tonic, give these flavors a try at Decicco or Fresh Direct - Lemon & Ginger. Cucumber & Lime. Blueberry & Ginger. Peach & Turmeric.
Bluestone Lane Food Photography
Food Photography at Bluestone Lane by Ben Hider
Food Photography - Blackberries
There were some incredible looking blackberries at Whole Foods that I really wanted to photograph, even though they're out of season.
Food Photographer - Ben Hider
Food Photography - Starr Catering at Rubin Museum
I love visiting the Rubin Museum, especially for the incredible food offered by Starr Catering in the Serai Cafe. I'd highly recommend all of the new dishes, especially the pork belly and the octopus.
You can see more of my food photography work at
Food Photographer - Ben Hider
Food Photography - White Onion
More work on the light table with a product I'm eating for lunch. I love the white on white and even the reflection on the table. I wouldn't describe myself as a minimalist, but its starting to look that way after the last Coca-Cola post as well. Perhaps I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to my food photography.
Food Photographer - Ben Hider
Stone Barns Photographer
It's always great to see photographs used, especially when they're emailed out to everyone from such an incredible place as Stone Barns.
Food Photographer - Ben Hider
Food Photography - Lemon Bar
One of my favorite baked treats is a Lemon Bar. It always makes it easier to photograph food when you really love the item in the photo. This photo was taken on my dining room table with a bounce card behind the Lemon Bars and a flash bounced off the wall behind. Photograph taken on a Canon 5D Mark IV with a 100mm Macro Lens wide open.
Home Baked Lemon Bar
Food Photographer Ben Hider