
9/11 Museum and Memorial 5K 2023

From Chat GPT - As a photographer, there are many opportunities to capture powerful and meaningful moments, but few are as poignant as photographing the annual 9/11 5K memorial run. The event is held every year to commemorate the tragic events of September 11, 2001, and to honor the first responders and victims of the attacks. As the photographer for the 9/11 5K, I had the privilege of documenting the runners, spectators, and volunteers as they came together to remember and pay tribute.

The atmosphere at the 9/11 5K is both solemn and celebratory. People from all walks of life gather together to run or walk the 5K course, many wearing t-shirts or other gear that pays tribute to those who lost their lives in the attacks. It is a moving experience to witness the sense of community and camaraderie that exists among the participants, as well as the outpouring of gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices of first responders and their families.

As the photographer, my job was to capture the essence of the event in images. I began by photographing the runners as they warmed up, stretched, and prepared for the race. It was inspiring to see the determination and resolve on their faces, as they pushed themselves to complete the 5K course in honor of those who lost their lives. I also captured images of the volunteers and spectators, who provided support and encouragement throughout the race.

As the race began, I moved around the course, photographing the runners as they made their way through the streets. It was an emotional experience to witness the runners as they passed by the 9/11 Memorial, with its two reflecting pools and the names of those who perished inscribed in bronze. The runners paused for a moment to pay their respects, and I captured the moment in images that conveyed the solemnity and reverence of the occasion.

As the runners approached the finish line, the atmosphere became more celebratory. Friends and family members cheered them on, and volunteers distributed water and snacks to help them recover from the race. I captured images of the runners as they crossed the finish line, with expressions of triumph and exhaustion on their faces. I also captured images of the award ceremony, as the top finishers in each category were recognized and honored.

In the end, my experience as the photographer for the 9/11 5K was a deeply moving and meaningful one. I felt privileged to have the opportunity to document such an important event and to help preserve the memory of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. The images I captured will serve as a lasting tribute to the first responders and victims of the attacks, and as a reminder of the resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of tragedy.

New York Restoration Project

New York Restoration Project helping build a new community garden in the Bronx, New York.

Spare Food Co Photography

I’m delighted to have been working with the brothers Adam and Jeremy Kaye on creating imagery for their Spare Food project. You can pick up their tonic at most Whole Foods around NYC, Murrays Cheese shop, Bourke Street Bakery and loads of other spots in the tristate area.